domingo, 3 de maio de 2009

Physical activity and health

Physical activity and healthy sports are essential to our health and welfare. Adequate physical activity and sport for all are one of the pillars for a healthy lifestyle, along with healthy food, avoid life without tobacco and other substances harmful to health.

Physical activity is:

• For the individual: a strong means of preventing diseases;
• For governments: one of the methods with better cost-effectiveness in promoting health of a population.

The regular exercise provides many benefits to young people (physical, mental and social) to health.

Studies show that:

• In adolescents, the more participation in physical activities, the lower the likelihood of coming to smoke;
• In children who are more physically active there is a higher academic performance.
• Games team in a positive way to promote social integration and facilitates the development of social skills of adolescents.
• Reduces the risk of premature death;
• Reduces the risk of death from heart disease or stroke, which account for 30% of all causes of death;
• Reduces the risk of developing heart disease, colon cancer and type 2 diabetes;
• Helps prevent / reduce hypertension, which affects 20% of adults worldwide;
• Helps control weight and reduces the risk of becoming obese;
• Helps prevent / reduce osteoporosis, reducing the risk of fracture of the femoral neck in women;
• Reduces the risk of developing back pain and may help the treatment of painful conditions, including back pain and pain in the knees;
• Help the growth and maintenance of bones, muscles and joints healthy;
• Promote the psychological well-being, reduces stress, anxiety and depression;
• Helps prevent and control high-risk behavior, especially in children and adolescents.

The benefits to health are usually obtained at least 30 minutes of cumulative moderate physical activity every day. This level of daily activity can be achieved through enjoyable physical activities and movements of the body from day to day, such as walking to work, climbing stairs, gardening, dancing and many other recreational sports.
Additional benefits can be obtained through moderate physical activity daily for long term:

• Children and adolescents need 20 additional minutes of vigorous physical activity, 3 times per week;
• The control of weight requires at least 60 minutes of daily vigorous physical activity / moderate.

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